I’ll admit it, I’m a word junkie. But playing word games with my family can be challenging. Not any of my children enjoy them as much as I do.
Bananagrams is a great game for multiple ages because instead of players playing against each other, players play alongside each other. Small words can be better to fit than large. This gives a fairly fair playing field for all ages.
To play Bananagrams, players simultaneously use their letters on tiles to build a word grid. Words must connect to to an existing letter in a previously played word. The first player to use all their tiles wins the game.

- See Bananagrams on Amazon
- Ages 7+
- 10-15 minute game play
- 1-8 players
- Gameschooling
Bananagrams are uniquely packaged in a large fabric zippered banana. Inside the bag are 144 letter tiles and the instructions.

Letter Tiles

Game Set Up
Place all the tiles face down in the center of the table between players. These tiles are called the BUNCH. Each player now takes the appropriate tiles according to the number of players:
- 2-4 players: 21 tiles each
- 5-6 players: 15 tiles each
- 7-8 players: 11 tiles each
Game Play
To begin the game, any player calls out “Split!” Players begin by turning their tiles up and begin arranging a minimum of 2 tiles into a word. Place this word in front of you. Continue by using letters from your personal pile, using a minimum of 1 new letter tile, and connect this new word to your first word either vertically or horizontally. All new words must connect to another word.
Diagonal words are not allowed.
For example, if LOG is your first word and you play it vertically, you can use any of the letters from LOG to create a new word. So if you have an E & M, you can add them horizonally to the G and make the word GEM.
All players’ words must be able to be read from left to right, top to bottom. All words must be connected with at least one letter from another word already in play.
Continue until you’ve used all the letters from your pile.
Your pile is empty, great! The game isn’t over yet! Now call, “PEEL!” All players, including you, pull another tile from the BUNCH. Use that letter to complete a new word. Found a spot to place that tile? Call “PEEL” again. This continues until there are no letters left in the BUNCH.
Can’t figure out how to use all the letters? You have 2 choices. You can rearrange some, any or all of the words already placed to re-form words OR you can call “DUMP” and put one of your letters facedown back into the BUNCH and then take three tiles in exchange. This exchange only affects the player exchanging tiles. There is no limit to exchanging. All rearranged tiles must form words.
Winning the Game
When all letters from the bunch have been distributed, be the first to use all your letters, and shout out Bananas!
- Smaller words can be better than larger words.
- Use a larger word if possible for your first word. It gives you more area to play off of.
- Use your more challenging letters first if possible. Z’s,Q’s and X’s can be challenging later in the game.
- Don’t be afraid to dump your tiles and gather new ones.
Per Bananagrams website, There are other ways of playing. For more information, check out their site: https://bananagrams.com/blog/how-to-play-bananagrams-instructions-for-getting-started