If you’re looking for a game with almost zero setup, this is the game for you! In a world where our phones have become an extension of ourselves, ‘What’s in Your Phone’ embraces this reality and turns it into a source of entertainment.

- Ages 14+ (younger can play, but may not have some of the items on the phone due to age restrictions
- 10-15 minute gameplay
- 2-100 players
- Icebreaker
- Large Group
- Teams
Players go down the list of prompts and check off any items they have on their phone.
Game Set Up
The game can be played in one of two ways. You can print ( on cardstock is easier to write on without a clipboard):
- Players need their smartphones AND
- Individual: One game sheet and pencil per player
- Group: One game sheet for the host to call out game prompts and a posterboard or whiteboard & marker to tally scores.

Game Play
Option 1: Hand out a game sheet and a pencil to each player. Each player goes through their phone to find the evidence, shows the person to their right to confirm, and then circles that prompt on their sheet.
Option 2: Divide players into teams. Each team chooses a name and writes team names on the tally white/poster board. Keeping the list hidden from teams, begin at the top and call out each prompt one at a time. Teams can only use one phone per prompt and must switch phones before each new prompt is revealed. Record points for each team before proceeding to the next prompt.
Winning the Game
When all prompts have been given, tally up the points. The player or team with the most points wins!