Hosting a holiday party? Or are you not gathering together this year? Either way, there’s no reason to forgo the fun of playing games together. Enjoy this free printable to play with a group or send this link to your friends and family to play over Zoom or Google Hangout.
Christmas Word Scramble is a free printable game for your holiday party or social distancing Christmas dinner. Players decipher the holiday words given. The player with the most correct answers wins. Answers are included.
Decipher 20 words in our Christmas Word Scramble. Race the clock and each other to see who can unscramble the most word first!

All you need for playing is a timer, a printed sheet for each player and a pen or pencil.
To play: pass out a game sheet and pencil to each player. I suggest instructing players to hold game sheet face down until the timer begins for fair play. Give players 3 minutes. If there is a wide variety of ages, I’ll let the youngers have an extra minute or two before giving the older players the word to go.
I’ve included two options for printing. You can print a full page version, which is easy on the eyes and smaller hands. Or you use the 2 page option and print 2 games on one sheet. Don’t forget the answer key!
What games do you like to play in the glow of the twinkle lights? Drop a note in the link below!