Play The Price is Right:Thanksgiving with your family with this free PDF printable. To play, each player guesses what they think Thanksgiving costs by estimating prices on each item on the list. Then total all items and see who really knows the true sum of the feast prepared. Answers (for 2020) included.
- Ages: 10+ (youngers can play if teamed up with someone older)
- Gameplay: 10 minutes
- 3-20+ players
- Social distance & virtual friendly game
Thanksgiving is right around the corner. A time that is traditionally about celebrating both family and friends. But this year looks different than in times past. During this challenging time, families are asked to social distance or even refrain from gathering in large groups. But you can still celebrate and enjoy each other by playing games, both across the table or in a zoom call.
The Thanksgiving Price is Right game is a holiday version of the long-time TV game favorite. Players guess what they think each item costs at the grocery store and tally to find the grand total.
Family is not near? You can still play this game via Zoom or the preferred video chat of your choice. They only need to print enough sheets for those at their end, and all parties can play together and enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving event!
Game Set Up
Each player needs a copy of the game and a pen. A suggestion is that everyone has the paper face down until the game begins to keep it fair for everyone. A timer is also needed, whether on a phone or the oven, if it isn’t already working overtime.

Notes on Printing
You’ll notice I’ve included 2 copies of the printable. You can choose to print as normal, and one game will print per sheet. BUT, if you’re like me, and printing these games last minute, you may be running low on printer paper, you can print 2 pages per sheet.
Although printers are different, most have this feature available. On mine, when I click to print, there is an option for how many pages per sheet. Keep the page on portrait, and change to 2 pages per sheet. Because I’ve included 2 of the same page, it will print 2- 1/2 size sheets on one page; still leaving plenty of room to write.

How to Play
Set a timer (suggested 5 minutes), and players turn over their paper and begin guessing the amounts.

If you’re wanting an extra challenge, don’t allow calculators! Or you can also choose who can and can’t use calculators (kids=yes, adults=no).
After all items have been calculated, tally up the amount and enter into the grand total. When the timer ends, players must put down their pens, even if not finished.
Winning the Game
The player with the total closest to the provided answers wins the game.

If you’re interested in giving prizes, sending an online gift certificate from Amazon is quick and easy and they receive it in minutes!
More than one winner? Break the tie by having those players figure out how much one serving costs first, based on the number of the family and friends attending!
The prices listed in the answer sheet are based on local prices here in Florida at the time of this post. Are the amounts similar in your area? I’d love to hear from you – reply below!
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