Game Night Tradition – Board Game Journal

For as long as my kids can remember, our family tradition when playing the game UNO with visiting friends and family is the winner of each UNO game writes their name and date on the winning card. It’s been fun to look over the cards over the years and see the signatures of those now grown and with families of their own. Over time though, the cards get lost or ruined, and I’ve lost some of the signatures.

Recently, I began searching for a notebook that I could continue the tradition on with other games. Not really finding much out there, I began writing down what I wanted to remember and eventually designed a book to hold memories, scores, wish lists, and whatever else one might want to remember from their game nights.

I’m so excited, my idea has become a reality! It is now available on Amazon. You can find it here:

Inside the 270 page book, you’ll find pages to log your games with other players, players ratings of games, winner, space to take score, keep track of campaigns, and more. There’s room to log more than 300 games. You can fill out the information, or let each player add their John Hancock. It will be fun to look back and see signatures change over time. There’s also blank space for attaching a photo or writing in additional details or funniest sayings from around the table.

I’ve printed a photo from the day and will attach the tape to the bottom of the photo so I can flip down to see the memories written about the fun.

Pages include game inventory to keep track of your expansive and growing game inventory. Room for expansion, publisher, ratings, etc.

Playing a new game at a friend’s home and want it for your very own? Add it to your wish list so you won’t forget the name to order.

Remember the UNO game I mentioned above? We have house rules, and every time the game is pulled out, there’s a bit of argument on current house rules. No more arguing! Included are lined pages for keeping track of your favorite house rules.

A second book will is in the works which will strictly be a game guest book without some of the added pages. Am I missing anything? What would you like to see in your Board Game Journal?

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