Looking for a lively card game for 12 or more players? Crazy Bridge is not only a strategic card game but also a social one, making it a fantastic choice for lively gatherings and social events. Enjoy the excitement of changing partnerships and strategic play in this unique twist on the classic bridge game!

- Ages 12+ (needs to understand what trump means)
- 60 min gameplay
- 8+ players (groups of 4)
- Large group compatible
Crazy Bridge is a lively and entertaining card game that injects a playful element by switching partners at the end of each round. As players collaborate in teams, each individual accumulates their own score, and the player with the highest points emerges victorious.
Game Set Up
This game is best for groups divisible by 4. Before gameplay, set up as many (preferably square) tables as you have groups of 4 people, players will need to be able to sit across from each other to play partners.
Each table will need:
- 4 copies of the score sheet (one per player, see below)
- pens
- Playing cards (one deck per 4 people/table)
Mark one side of each table with a number & letter, in the case of 3 tables, 1, 2, and 3, or anything unique to identify each table in a sequential order. Arrange players 4 to a table, and those sitting across from each other are partners for that round.
Game Play
Aces are high, while 2s are low. Suits are ranked as follows: No Trump, Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, and Clubs.
Players cut the deck to see who goes first. Shuffle the deck and pass out all cards (13 per player). Use the scoring sheet to designate the trump suit for that hand.
Players, in a clockwise direction, must play a card matching either the suit or the value of the first card played. For instance, in round 1, spades are trump.
Player 1 leads with a 9 of hearts. Player 2 follows with a 3 of hearts. Player 3 plays a 6 of hearts but the 4th player has no hearts. Player 4 can opt to play any spade (trump for this round, thus the highest card in this play) OR play off, meaning any card that is not a trump or spade, in this case, an ace of clubs. Even though this card is an ace because it’s not a heart (the card played first in this play) or a spade (trump for this round) it’s not the highest card played. Player 1 wins the trick, collects the cards, and starts the next hand. Continue this process until all cards have been played. Each trick won equals 10 points. Partners combine their scores. Partners with the highest score are the winners of that round. Each player writes their (partner) score on their scoresheet.
Rotate tables after each round. Winners move to the next table but switch partners, while the losing team stays at the same table, changing seats so they are no longer partners. Players keep their scores on paper and carry them to the next table. Continue down the list on the scoresheet until all 12 rounds have been completed.
Winning the Game
The player with the highest point total at the end of the game emerges as the winner.