Trade your way to win the most level points and win the game. But watch out for those wacky characters who can raise, lower, or eliminate your points!
To play Super Mario Bros. Power UP Card game, players keep or trade Level cards, then attempt to place the highest level card in each round. Block Power Up’s to avoid playing the lowest Level card. The player with the lowest card loses a token. The last player to have a token or tokens wins the game.
Need a PDF of the game rules? Click on the game sheet below!


- See Super Mario Bros. Power Up Card Game on Amazon
- Ages 8+ (we think some 6-7 year olds can play as well)
- 10-30 minute game play
- 3-8 players
In the box are the instructions, 52 Level cards, 30 Question Block cards, and 50 Extra Life tokens. The winner is the last person to have extra life tokens.
Level Cards

Level cards have your indicating level number in the top left, from 1-12, 12 being the highest points in the top left.

There are also Castle Cards, which when received, must be immediately shown and guarantee that player has the highest points for that round.
Question Block Cards

Question Block cards have special instructions listed on each card. The top line lists the name of the card. The middle line instructs what the card can be used for. The last line on the Question Block card indicates when it can be played.
A Question Block card can be used on the player’s own played Level card or an opponent’s Level card depending on the instructions on that card. Some Question Block cards can be used in the beginning game play and others can be used anytime.
Getting More Question Block Cards During Play
There are 2 ways to gather Question Block cards during the game.
- Place a Castle Card down – only that player picks up another Question Block card
- 2 or more players with the same number on played card. Only these players pick up another Question Block Card.
Extra Life Tokens

All players begin with 4 tokens. The player with the lowest points in that round loses one token.
Game Set Up

Game begins by passing out one (1) Question Block card (you may look) and four (4) Extra Life tokens to each player. The remaining Question Block & Level cards are placed face-down in their respective piles in the center of the table. Oldest player deals first.
Game Play
There are 4 steps in each round:
- Deal Level cards
- Keep or Trade Level
- Reveal and Modify Levels
- Score
Deal Level Cards

Play begins with the player to the left (P1) of the dealer. Dealer passes one Level card to each player facing down. Players are allowed to look at their card, but not show them to other players.
If a player receives a Castle card (see overview), they should reveal it immediately and draw an additional Question Block card. Castle cards guarantee that player does not lose that round.
Keep or Trade Level

P1 has a now decides IF he wants to trade his Level 6 card with player 2 (P2) to his left. If he chooses to trade because he has a low number on his Level card, the player on the left must trade UNLESS he has a defending Question Block card in hand. Keep notice, several cards have the capability to defend their Level card! Player 1 decides to trade.
Play now moves to P2.

P2, who traded their card, which was also a Level 6, now has P1’s Level 6 card. Since they know P1 has also has a Level 6, they decide to hold, hoping to win by using their flower power card at the reveal.

P3/dealer then chooses whether to keep their Level 4 card, or place the card face up in the discard pile and draw a new card from the Level pile in the center.

P3 chooses to discard and pick up a new card.

Player 3 now has an Level 11 in hand.
Reveal and Modify Levels
When all players have had the option to trade or keep their level cards, all players reveal their Level card and place on the table in front of them.

Since P1 & P2 both placed a Level 6, each draw another question block card.

Players now have the chance to play a Question card from their hand to modify their personal Level card value or decrease, trade, defend other cards, or steal an Extra Life token from another player. In this case P2 played their card on them self, increasing the Level 6 to a Level 8.

P1 responds by placing their -3 on P2’s card. Previous cards that might have been placed on the Level card no longer apply, and only the most recent card played on each player’s Level card is active and affects their Level value. This means that P2’s card is reduced by 3 and is now a Level 3.
After all players have played their Question Block cards, level points are compared. All players with the lowest Level points lose one Extra Life token. That player must pass in one Extra Life token.

Cards are placed in their discard pile and the deal passes to the left. The new round begins again with the steps listed above. Play continues in rounds until only one player has Extra Life tokens left.
The game is played in quick rounds; the player with the lowest point card loses a token.
Winning the Game
The winner is the last person with extra life tokens.