Planning a group celebration for Valentine’s Day can be tricky, as it often revolves around romantic couples. What about the singles, friends, and family members who want to participate in the celebration without feeling like outsiders?

The free printable will sprinkle some movie magic on your Valentine’s Day gathering through iconic romantic movie quotes even for those not currently in a romantic relationship. Whether you’re celebrating with friends or family, this game adds a touch of cinematic magic to your gathering.
- Ages 14+
- 10 min game play
- 2-20+ players
- Icebreaker
Challenge your guests to match your favorite candies with their slogans, adding an element of sweet fun to your party. Whether you’re planning a family get-together, a church gathering, a traditional party, or even a virtual Zoom celebration, Sweet Treats promises to sweeten the occasion and bring joy to all.
Game Set Up
Each player needs:
- 1 pen or pencil
- 1 printable
- Clipboard (optional)
Pass out a pencil and printable to each player. A suggestion is that everyone keeps the game face down until beginning to keep it fair for everyone.
Game Play
Set a timer (suggested 3 minutes). Players turn over their paper and attempt to match the candy hint with the candy. When the timer ends, players must put down their pens, even if not finished.
Winning the Game
The host reads aloud each clue and answer. Players earn one point per correct answer. When all answers have been given, players tally their points. The player with the highest count wins.