As a child, I loved game shows. I could imagine myself on the Price is Right, playing Plinko or Bullseye. My excitement of the contestant winning or the low of the loss of a new car was as intense as if I were the contestant myself.
For Christmas, I created a printable based on guessing similar to one of the games on the show. We had an hour to kill before dinner, so I printed several copies for game play. The kids rolled their eyes when I handed it out, but by the time we came to the answers they were all smiles and laughter.
The PRICE IS RIGHT: Christmas Edition is a free printable game for your holiday party or social distancing holiday. Players write the amounts they think each item costs and then add them up. The player to come closest to the correct amount wins the game. Answers are included for the current year.

All you need for playing is a timer, a printed sheet for each player and a pen or pencil.
To play: pass out a game sheet and pencil to each player. I suggest instructing players to hold game sheet face down until the timer begins for fair play. Give players 5 minutes.
I’ve included two options for printing. You can print a full page version, which is easy on the eyes and smaller hands. Or you use the 2 page option and print 2 games on one sheet. Don’t forget the answer key!
Note to self: make sure the boys READ the pricing label when shopping. Every boy (from age 10-16) wrote in $7 for a dozen rolls while only listed the 20 lb turkey costs at $12-14. I don’t know where they are shopping, but those must be some impressive bread!

Were you a fan of game shows? Did you enjoy this printable? Do you have other ideas for a printable? Drop a note in the message below!