Welcome to the Stable!
This is my teen daughter’s favorite game. Personally, I’m more of a traditional card player, Euchre, Rook, etc. However, I will say that after wrapping my head around the many types of cards, it’s a fairly enjoyable game. Not one I’d pull out with my friends, but its always a hit with my kids and adult nieces and nephews


- See Unstable Unicorns on Amazon
- Ages 14+ (due to content on some cards) We’ve played with 11 year olds.
- 30-45 minute game play
- 2-8 players
In the box are 135 cards and the rule book. Begin by sorting the white backed cards from the black backed cards.
White Backed Cards

The white cards are divided between reference cards and Baby Unicorns.
These cards give directions on what to do on your turn, and word explanations. It also lists the types of cards with their indicator symbol.
Baby Unicorns
These are not only identified by the cute little unicorn picture, but in the left top corner it has both a color: light purple, and a shape: unicorn horn. One baby unicorn begins in every player’s stable. Each player chooses their baby unicorn before beginning the game. They have no extra powers, but can serve as one of the required unicorns to win the game. These unicorns can be lost during the game.
Black Backed Cards
The black cards are for game play. There are 6 types of cards, identifiable by the color and shape in the top left corner.
Unicorn Cards

Like the white backed baby unicorn cards, these unicorn cards are identified by the same unicorn horn in the top left corner. The color surrounding the horn depends on which card it is. Basic unicorns have a dark purple corner, and magical unicorns have a blue corner.
It doesn’t matter which unicorns or how many of each type are in your stable, as long as you have the required amount needed to win.
Basic Unicorn

These are identifiable by the unicorn horn in the dark purple top left corner. Basic unicorn cards serve one function: to fill your stables.
Magic Unicorn

When you see a blue unicorn symbol in the top left corner, you’ve got a magic unicorn in hand.
When this card enters your stable
Most have a one time magical use. You’ll recognize these which begin with this sentence on the lower portion of the card: “When this card enters your stable”.
For example, Classy Narwhal states that “When this card enters your Stable, you may search the deck for an Upgrade (orange with up arrow) card and add it to your hand. Shuffle the deck”.
On your turn, you’ll take the Classy Narwhal from your hand and place it into your stable. Then you’ll pick up the deck, search for an Upgrade (orange with up arrow) card, and place it in your hand. Does it have to be the first one you find or your favorite card? That’s up to you – House rules!
After playing, this card only serves as a unicorn in your stable. If it’s moved to another stable or back into your hand for a later play, then the card begins fresh and the same instructions apply.
If this card is in your Stable at the BEGINNING of your turn
There’s another type of Magical Unicorn card that can seem a little confusing at first. It’s identified by the words, “If this card is in your Stable at the BEGINNING of your turn”.
While it’s considered another Unicorn for your stable, it has additional value. On your turn, in the Beginning of Turn phase, you may follow the instructions on any of these cards you have in your stable. This is not a one time use card. It can be used once a turn for as long as it’s in your stable unless a downgrade card in your stable negates its value (see downgrade for more information).
For example: “If this card is in your Stable at the beginning of your turn, you may DISCARD a Unicorn Card (from your hand). If you do, choose a Unicorn card from the DISCARD pile and bring it directly into your Stable, then immediately skip to your End of Turn phase”. Please note the word MAY in the description. You are not required to perform the task if you choose not to.
The benefit of using this particular card is that if there has been a useful unicorn card destroyed or sacrificed and is in the discard pile, you now can bring it to your stable. If May is not in the description, the card MUST be played as described.
More notes about wording:
- If the card says “and,” you must perform both actions.
- If a card says “then,” you may only perform the second action if you successfully perform the first action.
- If the card says “if you do,” only perform the second action, IF you chose to perform the first action.
- Sometimes you can’t do what the card requires. For example: if the card asks you to discard when you have no cards in your hand. Sacrifice cards when you have none in your Stable. Or Sacrifice a card that can’t be sacrificed (it will be written on the card.) Move on to the next player.
- Any player- refers to any single player, including you.
- Any other player – refers to any other player, excluding you.
- Each player refers to every player, including you.
- Each other player refers to every player, excluding you.
- Any number of players refers to as many players as you choose, excluding you.
Instant Cards
Instant cards are identified by the exclamation point in the top left red corner. These Instant cards are more commonly known at Neigh or Super Neigh. Its function is simple; it stops another player from attacking, stealing or using a magic card on your unicorns. If you’re trying to Neigh another player, they can counter with a Neigh or Super Neigh to stop you, then you can choose to respond with yet another Neigh or choose to end the battle. There is no limit on how many times players can use a Neigh or Super Neigh in a single turn. Once played, these cards are placed in the discard pile.
Upgrade Cards
The up arrow in orange corner upgrade cards give your unicorns positive effects. They can be played either in your stable or an opponent’s stable. Most of the cards begin with, “If this card is in your Stable at the beginning of your turn”. If this is the case, before you begin your 4 step play, you have the option of performing the tasks listed on the cards in your stable.
Downgrade Cards
Downgrade cards have the down arrow in the yellow left top corner. These cards do exactly the same thing as upgrade cards, except they impose negative effects. Again, unless otherwise stated, these cards only affect the stable it’s placed in.
Magic Cards

Lastly is the top left green corner with a star. These cards have a one time use, which is written at the bottom of the card. Most are simple and straightforward – some examples:
- Trade hands with any other player
- Move an Upgrade or Downgrade card from any player’s Stable to any other player’s Stable
- DRAW 2 cards, and DISCARD 3 cards (from your hand), then take another turn.
Game Set Up
White deck: Divide the Reference cards from the Baby Unicorns. Give a reference card to each player. Pass the Baby Unicorns around and each player chooses one. The remaining Baby Unicorn cards are placed in the center of the table, or aka, their nursery.
Shuffle the black cards and deal 5 cards to each player. Right in front of you will be your stable. This is where you’ll place your cards. Unicorns will be placed in a horizontal row with upgrade and downgrade cards placed in a row above the Unicorns. In the center of the table you’ll place the nursery, deck and discard pile, accessible by all players.
Look around. Who’s wearing the most colors is, according to Unstable Unicorns, is obviously the unicorniest, so they go first! Play clockwise.
Game Play
Game play plays in 4 phases
- Beginning of Turn Phase
- Draw Phase
- Action Phase
- End of Turn Phase
Beginning of Turn Phase
This phase won’t be used until after a round or two have played.
Because this won’t apply until you’ve placed a couple of cards down in your stable, let’s begin this phase mid game. Imagine you’ve placed several unicorns in your Stable, and one Upgrade and two Downgrade cards are placed above theUnicorn Stable. The first thing you’ll do is check to see if any of these Upgrade, Downgrade or Magical Unicorn cards have the words “If this card is in your Stable at the beginning of your turn”. Follow the directions on the card(s) to activate the magic properties for this round. Remember that the wording is important. Some cards give you an option (MAY) and some are mandatory. Play all the cards in your Stable before continuing. If you’ve no cards to activate, play moves to the draw phase.
Draw Phase
This is simple! Draw one (1) card from the deck.
Action Phase
Play a card from your hand OR DRAW an additional card from the deck. If you choose to play a card from your hand, you can: play an Upgrade or Downgrade card on your own or another player’s Stable or add a unicorn to your stable. If the unicorn card says “When this card enters your Stable”, now is the time to follow the card’s directions.
End of Turn Phase
Your turn is almost over. If you have more than 7 cards in your hand, discard the extra to the discard pile. Seven (7) is always the maximum number you can hold at the end of your turn (unless otherwise stated). Play continues on to the player to your left.
2-5 players must have 7 Unicorns in their Stable to win.
6-8 players must have 6 Unicorns in their Stable to win.
You must complete all mandatory plays in the Beginning of Turn phase before being declared winner.
If the deck runs out of cards before any player reaches the required number of Unicorns in their Stable, the player with the most Unicorns wins.
If two or more players tie for the most Unicorns in their Stable, each of the tied players must add up the numbers of letters in the names of all the Unicorn cards in their Stable. The player with the most letters wins. Have 2 or more with the exact same amount? Everyone loses!
House rules are key in any game. There are gray areas in the game, so make your house rules and run with them!
Did you enjoy the game? Collect more unicorns! Add expansion packs to your deck.