Looking for a fun ice-breaker game that works for large groups with a broad range of ages? What’s in the Matchbox is a quick prep game that is always a hit. Playing this game is a personal favorite as I love the looks on players’ faces as I begin to unload the box and they discover all the items within!

- Ages 5+
- 10-15 minute gameplay
- 2-100
- Icebreaker
- Large group
- Zoom friendly
What’s in the Matchbox is a guessing game. Players try to guess what items are packed in the matchbox within the designated timeframe. This game plays well with both individuals and groups.
Game Set Up
You’ll need paper and pencil for each player or team, a timer, and a matchbox (I got mine from the dollar store) with as many items as you can stuff into the box. I can generally fit 30-35 items in the box using my often-used Tetris skills. Some items inside might include:
- Mini skittle
- Metal ring
- Washer
- Clove
- Pen spring
- Pencil lead
- Lemon pip
- Pepper seed
- Match
- Mini magnet
- Safety pin
- Silica gel (from inside the sachets in bags/shoes)
- Hair band
- Bit of ribbon
- Photo
- Foil
- Earring
- Butterfly back
- Lego

- Nail
- Button
- Stamp
- Key
- SD Card
- Wire
- Sticker
The ideas are endless!
Game Play
Hand one sheet of paper and pencil to each player or group. Show the matchbox and explain that there are XX items in the box and they have 3 minutes to write down whatever they think is in the box. Start the timer. When the timer is up, all players must put their pencils down.
Winning the Game
Open the box and call out the items. Optionally, to deter cheating, players can hand their list to the person to their right to check. As items are being called, players check items they listed correctly. The person or group with the most correct items wins.
For extra drama, I like to keep the box close to me and pull items out one by one in a dramatic display. I love hearing the groans as they realize what they missed and the giggles when they’ve answered correctly!